Program Overview
Draw attention to your entrance! Enhance the beautification of Downtown and particularly the
area directly outside of your business by taking part in the DBA’s Adopt-a-Planter program and
adopting the plant immediately outside your front door.
Benefits of the Program
• Year-round beautification at a subsidized rate with little maintenance
Option # 1: Summer program Package Includes
• Delivery and placement of summer plants
• Removal of plants at end of season, including clean-up of the area around the planter
• A three-year agreement for just $199 + GST (equates to $76 per year)
Option # 2: Summer and winter program Package Includes
• Delivery and placement of summer plants for the summer season
• Delivery and placement of an artificial 3 ft. evergreen for the winter season
• Removal of plants at the end of the seasons, including clean-up of the area around the
• A three-year agreement for just $229 + GST (equates to $80 per year)
As an adopter, all you need to do is
- Water plants throughout the summer season. The summer plants are planted in selfwatering containers and require watering no more than three times per week,
leaving you able to do what you do best – running your Downtown business! - Participants in the winter program are encouraged to decorate your evergreen
Call Sandy at 403.340.8696