The DBA promotes itself as the direct point of contact to all businesses experiencing challenges in whatever form that takes. This ensures the DBA is aware of what is going on throughout the Downtown and is able to advocate where needed at municipal levels

Downtown Red Deer businesses face a number of challenges on a daily basis, from drug and needle debris to graffiti to pan handling and loitering. This is not unusual in any city and we will never be able to entirely eradicate it, however, it is the DBA’s responsibility to provide support where possible and to identify clear boundaries around acceptable behaviour.

To counteract the challenges, the DBA has a number of resources available. Whatever you are experiencing, please contact the DBA and share it with us – we can help. We have access to needle pick-up, staff training, and crime prevention solutions that are subsidized by the DBA.

Know which number to call

We are here to help


Emergency Assistance

  • Crime in progress
  • Ambulance
  • Fire Department

2-1-1 +2

Social Diversion Team

  • Experiencing a mental health or medical (non-emergency) crisis
  • Intoxicated or otherwise impaired
  • Inappropriately dressed for the weather


Clean Team

  • Picking litter off streets, sidewalks, alleys, parking lots and green spaces throughout Downtown
  • Emptying garbage receptacles
  • Cleaning and maintaining street furniture


Needle Team

  • Picking up needles on public property
  • Alternative resource 403-342-8238


Report Graffiti


Non-Emergency Police Reporting

  • Crimes that have already happened
  • Suspicious people
  • Vehicles
  • urban encampments

The Lived Experience Council began a partnership with the Downtown Business Association in May 2023. The goal is to act as a resource to develop strategies for downtown businesses to address issues such as loitering, drug use, and rough sleeping as it pertains to their businesses.

As part of the ongoing revitalization process for the beautiful downtown core, the Downtown Activation Playbook is a community planning tool to develop spaces and places in the greater downtown to increase vibrancy.  There are many initiatives included in the document and budget for these actions will be considered during The City’s budget planning process.

Check out the full branding – HERE

RCMP Update from

Superintendent Holly Glassford

Your DBA works closely with the RCMP at all levels and many of you are familiar with Corporal Dwayne Hanusich who heads the Downtown Unit and maintains an office at the DBA.

We are delighted to start bringing you regular updates from RCMP Superintendent Holly Glassford who is committed to enhancing the safety of downtown.

‘My team continues to focus on our policing priorities for the City of Red Deer which include, enhancing police response and visibility, crime reduction, and being engaged with our community partners.

Our downtown unit consists of 6 police officers and 2 CPO’s (municipal enforcement) who prioritize their enforcement and response in the downtown core utilizing bicycles, segways, and foot patrols. Over 60% of their investigations are self-generated.

During the summer months, our Traffic Section, Crime Reduction Team, Youth and Community Action Team and other units also conducted over 50 foot patrols and several enforcement projects in the downtown.

The collaboration between the RCMP and the DBA is critical to ensure we are identifying issues and areas of concern in order to meet the needs of business owners and all citizens of Red Deer with a goal of having a safe, thriving downtown.

I ask that business owners in the downtown report criminal or suspicious activity to the RCMP in a timely manner and consider registering their security cameras with our CAPTURE program’.

The Clean Team

The DBA’s Clean Team works hard to ensure Downtown is a clean and safe place to visit and do business. They start in the early morning hours and much of their work is complete before the business day begins. The responsibilities of this small team include: