Façade and Shop Front Improvement Program

Your Downtown Business Association encourages business owners within the Business Revitalization Zone (BRZ) to invest in façade renovations and store front upgrades through a grant program to cover a portion of renovation costs. These grants provide incentive to complete building upgrades which create a more interesting and appealing environment, attracting people and business to the area.

The program is intended to:


All buildings within the BRZ area that have no setback (built right up to the sidwalk) and are used for primarily retail or commercial purposes are eligible for this grant program (street-level occupants must be BRZ ratepayers). The program is available on a first-come, first-serve basis until the fund is depleted.

Eligible projects are required to reflect principles of good design. Please refer to The City of Red Deer’s C1 Commercial District Development Design Criteria for additional information.

Types and amounts of funding

Tier 1: Signage: Funding to cover one-third of the costs associated with new signage, up to a maximum of $1,000. Note: In order to qualify for the maximum amount in this tier ($1,000), the total cost of the project must meet or exceed $3,000. This tier cannot be combined with any other

Tier 2: Renovations: Funding to cover up to 50% of the cost of eligible renovations, up to a maximum of $5,000 (or up to $10,000 for buildings with two street-facing façades). Tier 2 excludes signage.

* Additional funding is available if costs are expected to exceed $10,000. Businesses can be awarded one-third of amounts exceeding $10,000 to a maximum of an additional $5,000. Please specify on application form.

Examples of eligible work may include:

The above is not an all-encompassing list. Other improvements may be eligible if they meet the objectives of the program.

Successful projects will strive to improve the exterior appearance, design and function of a building through meaningful and lasting improvement to the street-level view of the building.

Application Process

  • Complete and submit an application to the DBA. Your application must be approved before construction can begin. No funds will be provided for a project that is complete or in-progress at the time of application. To apply, you may complete the form below or download a PDF of the application form here, and submit via email  to info@downtownreddeer.com or hand-deliver to the Downtown Business Association office.
  • Your application will be reviewed by a committee. Once it is determined your application meets eligibility requirements, confirmation of approval will be provided in writing.
  • Permits – All projects must obtain necessary sign, building and/or development permits as required by The City of Red Deer.
  • Construction begins. Please note: all work must be completed within one-year (12 months) of application approval.
  • Project inspection – Once the construction is complete, a project inspection will occur and the grant cheque will be issued.

DBA Façade & Shop Front Improvement Program Application

* By submitting this application, I/we agree that it and all submitted documents become property of the Red Deer Downtown Business Association and that the information provided herein is true, correct and complete in every respect. I/we understand and accept that submission of this application is not a guarantee of funding and that the DBA Board has the right to refuse any application for any reason I/we agree to obtain all necessary permits and required authorization prior to the start of the project and understand no funding will be provided for any project already underway. I/we understand that once written approval has been provided by the committee, all work must be completed within 12 months of the date of the approval letter and that a project inspection must be completed before a grant cheque will be issued. The Red Deer Downtown Business Association has permission to use my business name along with “before and after” photographs to promote this program. Signage may be placed on site during construction stating the project is partially funded by this program.